We all deserve the best. Everyone works really hard towards what they want, so why not say you deserve only the good things in life? I believe that we all have the opportunity and the choice to go for what we’re so passionate about. By having passion for what you believe in, people will undoubtably follow. Life works in an oddly awesome way, so take advantage of that. Focus on one passion and master it, while also having fun. It’s like what they say, “If you love your job, you haven’t worked a day in your life.” So what is your passion?

Neos District is a fierce clothing brand that is passionate about delivering an extraordinary experience through fashion. They strongly believe that women should feel confident in anything they wear when they go about their regular life. We don’t have to just dress up on special occasions; “Life is now, not tomorrow”. With an immense love for catering towards the empowerment of unique and fabulous women, Neos District has launched their online fashion store. With ‘real’ women in mind, Neos District makes sure to transform everyday ladies into fashion runway models. I personally love their Spring/Summer 2014 line. I really admire the silk clothes and the pop of color the line provides. So check out their website but most importantly, their passion.

Neos District‘s fashion show was recently exhibited at the DC Fashion Week Metropolitan Emerging Designers Showcase to present their Fall and Winter 2014 collection. They can’t wait to start manufacturing their new line so we could all look gorgeous. However, Neos District needs your help. The costs of production fabrics, manufacturing, labels, grading sizes for 250 pcs and T-Shirts/hats are only increasing, which means for now their passion is on hold. To make their compassion come to live, Neos District created a Kickstarter page. Kickstarteris an amazing website where people from all over the world can support up-coming businesses and ideas come to life by funding them. The best part about it is how your donations comes with great personal perks.

To help Neos District continue to provide confidence to every women, check out their Kickstarter page and be part of a fashion forward cause. www.neosdistrict.com