Every foodie is searching for the perfect bite.  Musical Pairing can show you how!”

Musical Pairing combines music with food and helps undiscovered musicians reach an audience.

Every Foodie is in Search of the Perfect Bite – Musical Pairing can help you find the perfect music & beverage to elevate every meal.

Musical Pairing is a technique of properly pairing Music with Food and Beverages – using a simple mathematical formula. By applying a numerical value to specific parts of your meal and searching for equal value in music, you can make a good dish great and a great dish perfect!

Sensory perception studies both in the United States and the U.K. have found a correlation between pitch and the perception of flavors among other things.  Musical Pairing had created a book and App that does the math for you.

The App finds the perfect music to pair with your breakfast, lunch dinner, or even food when you’re sitting at the bar.  Then it will find the best beverage to round out the entire meal.  Then it allows you to search through music that has already been mathematically configured.  Through a Kickstarter crowd funding campaign Musical Pairing Inc will get the book published and the app launched.

As a key incentive, musicians with at least one original song on the web or on YouTube can get one month of advertising where their song will be mathematically broken down into its component parts, assigned a musical pairing number and properly paired with the food and beverages of an equal value.

Food Guitar

View Our Musical Pairing KickStarter 

The user will have the ability to send not just a picture of the food they are enjoying but the entire dining experience including the beverage and the perfect musical accompaniment then share with friends via social media.

The upcoming book, Musical Pairing: Harmonizing Music and Beverages to Your Meal also delves into the history of beverages, how they are made and what makes them unique.

Join us in making this book and app a reality.

Thank you for your support,
The Musical Pairing Team