
In this world, we have seen it all, from telegram to telephone or even from horses to motorized vehicles; but we have never seen from music to a movement. That’s what Maat Morrison is doing with the current music, and he is planning to release a full-length debut album that features all his experiences, tour, motivation, poetry, love, hate and many other topic that Maat is covering in the album. With amazing perks, and a realistic goal.

Mateo, better known as Maat, is a young talented musician that’s trying to get it all. After declining some record label offers, Maat is going indie, and try to get some support from his fans. He promised to us that he will release his first demo of the album after a DOLLAR ($1) AND the track list with the featured artists. He explained that Live Life 101 means “Live Life NOW”, as a motivational speech to the teenagers, and via the interview he revealed us that there’s a lot of pregnant young girls or using drugs. “By now, I mean now, let’s see what’s the cool cool“.

Do you want to be part of this movement, or are you just going to skip it?

Help him to get his dreams, check out the campaign here.