We live in big cities and settle everything via the internet. We use social media. Banking transactions, job applications, finding customers, publishing ads, we check our smart devices for all. We also use the internet intensely in the energy and transportation sectors.

There is an immense amount of knowledge but we cannot provide the sufficient security. Technological advancements also increase the online security threats. For instance, cloud computing service providers have started to gather too much data from companies and individuals. Since they are gathered under a single target, it becomes easier for cyber criminals who want to abuse critical information. Similarly, the fact that the mobile services became widespread and that critical services are made available for mobile platforms increase the risk exponentially.

We are offering you a smart tool so you can tackle the cyber crimes in your home or small workplace. MULTI tracks and learns all your network activity. Then, it prevents the unusual network activities, DDOS attacks, Port attempts and reports them to you via email. Many Linux tools that have been used by IT professionals for years work automatically in MULTI.

Now, you will set the rules for the internet. Could you ever think only a single product can serve so well?

• Smart Router (with IPS/IDS/BlackList)
• Wireless Access Point
• Multiserver (Web, Email, Ftp server)
• Next Generation Firewall
• VPN Service Box (Hopping IP’s)
• NAS Server
• Personal Cloud Server
• Stream Box
• Opensource Development Center (IOT)

Support us on Indiegogo for further improvement of this product.

Campaign Link : www.indiegogo.com