Sarasota, FL. February 24, 2015 – The Lauren Mitchell Band will be raising $30,000, on the MsGenuity crowdfunding site, to fund the production of their third blues album. It will be released in the fall and recorded with a nationally known producer and studio musicians. The album will include original music written by Lauren, her band members and fellow musicians. The fund raising project can be accessed at Help Fund Lauren Mitchell’s New CD.

Lauren, who formerly raised funds on Kickstarter, chose MsGenuity for as she explains in Raising the Bar, “they are her kind of crowd – people who are interested in projects that matter.”

Lauren says that without the support of her fans – Her Believers – she couldn’t make the album. “This one is for them. This album matters.” Lauren has written many of the songs and she is sure her new and longtime fans will enjoy hearing them. There will be daily posts on the MsGenuity site with updates from Lauren and on the other projects that will launch on MsGenuity starting March 3, the official site launch date.

About MsGenuity

MsGenuity is a reward-based crowdfunding portal to engage Mom shoppers who want to discover new products and projects not available at any other site. Conversely, MsGenuity offers both men and women crowdfunding project owners the opportunity of raising funds and collaborate on-line with mom shoppers. Reaching the mom community is key to the growth and balance of the crowdfunding market as moms spend 85¢ of every household $1. MsGenuity is located in Sarasota, FL. It is a Delaware corporation registered in Florida.

Summary: The Lauren Mitchell Band is launching a $30,000 crowdfunding campaign for their third CD on MsGenuity, a new site focused on the mom consumer market

Contact: Marcia Christ