Summary: Webinar at 8 PM (EST), Tuesday, March 24th introduces crowdfunding as a marketplace to fund and get first delivery of new creative products. MsGenuity is focused on bring crowdfunding, which has raised over $2 billion for new products development, to the mom shopper. Registration is required.

March 23, Sarasota, FL. MsGenuity, a crowdfunding portal funding creative products for the mom and family consumer is conducting a Webinar, at 8 PM (EST), Tuesday, March 24th), titled Crowdfunding – What is it? Why do it? Registration is required. The Webinar will explain how shoppers can participate in reward-based crowdfunding process, why inventors and creators use crowdfunding and the benefits and rewards received by project contributors. The Webinar will be conducted by Marcia Christ, MsGenuity, CEO and former Creative Director, Ogilvy & Mather, NYC.

About MsGenuity

MsGenuity is building a reward-based crowdfunding portal to engage mom shoppers who want to discover new products and projects not available at any other site. Conversely, MsGenuity offers a portal where project owners have the opportunity of raising funds and collaborate on-line with mom shoppers. Reaching the mom community is key to the growth and balance of the crowdfunding market as moms spend 85¢ of every household $1. MsGenuity is located in Sarasota, FL. It is a Delaware corporation registered in Florida.

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