Sam Bozzo’s new short film “Mind’s Eye” centers on a blind man with a psychic bond with his deaf grandson who rents his power to a criminal to fund the boy’s surgery. The results are both uplifting and tragic. Support it here!

Blue GoldYou may have heard of Bozzo’s award-winning documentary “Blue Gold : World Water Wars”, distributed by PBS Video and streamed on Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon VOD. His previous short films earned him a spot as a Top 10 Project Greenlight Director, selected by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, and screened at the Sundance and Toronto Film Festivals. While he writes spec screenplays in Los Angeles and is seeking funds for larger feature films to Direct, he “fell in love with this short story he wrote years ago and feel it’s time to finally make it.”

main_imageSam says that “Thematically the film is a cautionary tale about the dangers of being impatient and misusing talents for the wrong reasons. Its moral is tolerance. The tone will balance between a tender drama and a crime thriller within a deeply mystical world. Through their connection, the blind grandfather and deaf grandson share sights and sounds that the other cannot enjoy on their own, forming an amazing bond.”

Because of this unique relationship, Bozzo feels “Mind’s Eye” promises to deliver something never before seen in film. “From the standpoint of craft,” he says, “I am fascinated to explore the cinematic differences between the grandfather’s blind world, the deaf boy’s visual but silent world, and their shared psychic visions.”


Mind’s eye will be shot in Prague, an enchanting city with Gothic architecture that will help visually present the bleak murky world of the blind Grandfather, the overly colorful world of the deaf boy, and the magical world of the surreal visuals. The crew there includes Michal Vojkuvka as Director of Photography, who has worked on major feature films in Prague such as “Chronicles of Narnia – Prince Caspian”.


This short film promises to be a fascinating truly unique use of cinema. Bozzo hopes to shoot the film for three days of production in Prague, Czech Republic, in September and edit the film back home in America in time to enter it into the Sundance Film Festival late October.

Without the aid of your support on the Kickstarter campaign, this enchanting film will not happen. It is rare that narrative film transcends so seamlessly into art. Please support the Kickstarter campaign, which runs until August 10, 2013.

the author

Sam Bozzo Produced, Wrote, Directed, and Edited the award-winning “Blue Gold: World Water Wars”, his first feature documentary narrated by Malcolm McDowell and distributed by PBS Video in the US and many countries worldwide. He was a Top 10 Project Greenlight Director with his Art Center College of Design student films which also screened at the DGA, Student Academy Awards, Sundance and Toronto Film Festivals, and won international awards. Sam is currently writing spec feature screenplays and a television Pilot, and is raising funds for "Sweet and Sour", which will be his narrative Directorial debut.