San Francisco Bay Area, California – Miemode, LLC (, the conglomerate of top notch smartphone 2D gaming app designers, this week announced that the company is engaging in a crowdfunding campaign to polish and distribute the company’s latest 3D, VR(virtual reality) hardware and software endeavor – M8D (pronounced MADE) Virtual Reality Headset.

“After having successfully designed our popular gaming apps such as Space Dudes Attack HD and Karate Kick Mo, we felt we had a strong foothold in the popular 2D iOS and Android app gaming space. We wanted to do more to broaden Miemode’s horizons and draw from the immense talent we have within the company. We discussed various possibilities and through them all, virtual reality was the one that stuck.

In 2014, Google announced Google Cardboard and the world of virtual reality (VR) were immediately turned upside down. What was once a distant dream for many game developers became an almost instantaneously achievable goal for tech savvy designers, such as the team at Miemode.

“When Google introduced Cardboard, app designers immediately had a virtual reality platform to work with that didn’t require consumers to go out and spend thousands of dollars to be able to use. Consumers, now in fact, already have it in the palm of their hands – their smartphones. Backed by Google, we knew that Cardboard had an enormous chance of succeeding. Since its inception, not only has it grown, but exponentially,” said Ginger Kong, Founder of Miemode. “What we’ve done is set out to create a long lasting Google virtual reality headset that has the portability of a sheet of paper, but the durability of some of the toughest lightweight synthetics on the market. We’ve done all the leg work; the headset design, the initial testing, the legal research (now patent pending) and the first production. We’ve even created an awesome app that we’re bundling along with it for our crowdfunding backers. It’s Miemode’s first 3D VR app, “Brave the Wave VR”. In essence, our crowdfunding campaign isn’t about developing an idea, it’s about to putting the finishing touches on an awesome concept that’s really already complete and getting it distributed to the masses.”

The M8D Virtual Reality Headset, unlike most VR viewers on the market, M8D is crafted for everyday use; with the portability of paper, the durability of high grade plastic & the hands-free adaptability of expensive VR headset.

• Durable & Reliable – Designed to be water and coffee resistant. The innovative suction technology holds your smart device in place. You don’t even have to take the cover off your smart phone! Works with smart phones up to 3”x6” in size

• Compact & Lightweight – Quickly collapses into a self-contained case to fit into your pocket or purse.

• Adaptable – M8D is compatible with headphones, headgear, and haptic devices. It’s easy to use. You can also use the optional elastic straps for hands-free use.

• Adjustable – There’s no predefined distance necessary between the optical lenses and the smart device. Just adjust the M8D Virtual Reality Headset’s adjustable lens system, and watch in comfort.

For more details on the M8D crowdfunding program, please visit

the author

Located in San Francisco Bay Area, California, Miemode, LLC specializes in the design of entertainment software. The company has emerged as a leader in the digital realm of game app design and product development.