Do you want to see a velociraptor in a tank? A velociraptor with a jetpack? If so, this Kickstarter is perfect for you.

Mercenary Team Safari is the story of a boy (Otto) and his velociraptor (Spike) who rely on each-other for survival . After a civil war erupts in their nation, known as Mojarra, they’re forced to become self-sustaining farmers away from the chaos. This life becomes harder and harder as the ongoing war interferes with basic survival. When the opportunity of becoming mercenaries falls on Spike and Otto, they accept before their situation becomes fatal.

Words from the Author – Christian Maher

“The image of a velociraptor and soldier fighting side-by-side was always really cool to me. They’d have each-other’s back, use creative tactics in battle, and be unstoppable. The velociraptor would be able to dodge incoming fire with its agility, then attack with instinctual precision. Meanwhile, the soldier lays down suppressive fire for his predator partner, and makes the tactical decisions in a firefight. They’re always outmanned, outgunned…but never outfought”.

“I wrote Mercenary Team Safari as a feature length animated film: a script, soundtrack, voice-overs, camera movements, original music, and sound design. However, creating an animated movie requires a lot of resources that aren’t available to those outside the industry. This is why I will be putting your funds to work on a graphic novel adaptation first with the amazing company Storyboard Graphic Novels. These LA-based professionals specialize in creating graphic novels from movie scripts. The funds raised will be paying the most talented artist in the industry to bring Mercenary Team Safari to life as a digital graphic novel!”

The rewards for this campaign include – Becoming a Character in the Book, Behind-the-Scenes Access, Custom Digital Art and more!

Mercenary Team Safari will be live on Kickstarter from now until May 15th. It’s funding goal is $8000