A Horror Noir Graphic Novel about the serial killer who resurrects Victorian Post-Mortem photography into a modern work of art. Think Fincher’s SE7EN set in Balkans! Sounds awesome, right?!

We have some amazing rewards, check it out and get in on the mayhem and pitch black dread that you’ve never encountered before. A respectable professor and awarded war photographer finds himself involved in the most eerie serial murder case ever, where the killer stages, modifies and applies Victorian post-mortem photographs into modern art installations at crime scenes during his killing spree.

Memento Mori features a potent combination of Seven-esque detective thriller, with a huge shot of upsetting dread with a pinch of nihilistic dark humor – for a good measure. An utterly captivating non linear storytelling that feels like a puzzle. Memento Mori is a symbolic reminder of the inevitability of death and can often be found in various aspects of society: art, music, poetry. It is Latin and means REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST DIE. The good news is the first book is completely done and ready for printing. The series will contain four books – all connected with the same dreadful story and driven by the aforementioned characters. We strongly believe that the pure Horror/Noir from the Balkans can be a real revelation for comic book readers from all over the world. It is unpolished, unfiltered and eerie in a completely unique way. Please, join us. Our team is international, made from people who live on three continents, the dedicated enthusiasts and hard workers who live for comic culture scene.

Help us to bring this graphic novel to life and we will justify your trust. And once again, thank you for your time and undying passion.

Memento Mori Productions is a company that is genre oriented toward horror and dark fiction. Memento Mori graphic novel is company’s debut but we have prepared more dark stories to come very soon. We are loyal to horror and we will stay genre oriented. If you are a fan of wicked stuff – search no more – Memento Mori is the place where you get nourished with true dread.