Now introducing The Medicina Album: a blazin’ bilingual hip hop album that speaks much-needed truth in a spirit of love, healing and empowerment for us all! As implied by its title, the spirit of Medicina is one of healing. This full-length hip hop album will include a wide variety of beats by a number of talented producers, including Dan K (Albuquerque, NM), Diles (Albuquerque, NM) and Megadrum (CO). In her smooth, soulful and at times playful style, Asliani will rap about a host of topics seldom discussed in contemporary music but, in her view, extremely relevant to these times in which we live. The title track tells the story, in Spanish, of how Asliani found her voice as a young woman struggling, with issues of boundaries and power, as many women do.

In the second verse, she draws a connection between the pervasive pain and shame that women collectively experience and the conquest of the Goddess at the root of our current system. She ends the song with strong and hopeful rally-cry for women’s liberation: “My pain is old but my joy is ancient/ It doesn’t have to be so far away/ I believe in what I feel. No, I’m not mistaken / Go ahead, mami, open the blinds!”

Some of the tracks will have a slower and more reflective feel while the tone of others will be lively and danceable, but the importance of the messages of the songs is what will tie it all together. Every song on Medicina will have something to say. Among the tracks already recorded include “Yeah, I See You,” an honest and critical dialogue with the “inner hater,” “Show You What I Know,” a celebration of the return of the Goddess and of the collective ability to access the magic of the present, and “Indigenous Mind,” in which Asliani explains the war against the connected, natural human way of living with Mother Earth that was waged at the onset of Western civilization and cries for the return of the “indigenous mind.” She ends the track saying that, while the experiences of white and non-white peoples have been very different in the current system as a result of the forces of empire conquering Europe first, “All of us have ancestors who, not very long ago, lived in a way that was deeply connected…..and they can help us remember……so that things can be different.”

Asliani is raising funds in order pay the producers with whom she’s collaborating for tracks and for recording time (ranging from $100-$300 per track) and also to pay for photographs and graphic design, for mastering, and for the album to be pressed. With $5000, Asliani will be able to make Medicina the professional-quality album that her lyrical content and voice deserve.

In a time in which popular music seems defined by rampant misogyny and the most hollow materialism, Asliani comes with an album imbuing a radically different perspective, that of a woman on a healing journey that is a part of the collective healing of us all. Medicina is a work whose time has come!

Please share our campaign with friends and family to help us reach our goal. Thank you!