As another year comes close to passing, our band’s musical journey, which has lasted over a decade, is currently at a turning point. New members and a new vision have blossomed into a rejuvenated sound and a wealth of new material. Our aim is to be able to bring this new energy into the studio and make the best album we have ever produced. 

We have been extremely fortunate to have been given the opportunity to record four studio albums by ourselves using our own funding. This time, we simply do not have the resources we need to record, mix, master, and produce a new album.

It is for this reason that we call on you, our fans, to help us make this dream become a reality. We are asking for donations, big or small, to support us as we enter this new phase of our lives. Any money given will be greatly appreciated and we promise to make the most RAWKIN’ album yet. Plus, there are some great rewards set up for our backers!

Here is a summary of what we need funding for:

• Rental of studio space for recording
• Mixing and Mastering
• Artwork
• Production
• Publicity

As you can see, the expenses add up. This doesn’t even include the cost of touring to support the album!

Your support means the world to us. We would love for you to be a part of this new era of Mantras history. You can do so by backing our Kickstarter campaign.

The Mantras (Keith, Justin, Kenn, Julian, Brian, and Brent)

View our Kickstarter page here