Now introducing Lupo, the device that will make sure you never lose an important item again! Lupo works in concert with your mobile phone to offer security alerts via Bluetooth for left items, tracking for lost objects, security to lock computers when out of range, and even a button and accelerometer to control potentially any variety of smart tech items.

Lupo offers the ability to alert the user about items left behind; walk away from a bag with your mobile device, and your Lupo will let you know. Vice versa, your mobile device can alert you when leaving your Lupo behind. This makes keeping organized easier than ever before. Another useful feature is the ability to link the Lupo directly to any computer. This allows for an advanced functionality in which the user walks away from the machine and Lupo automatically locks the PC to keep everything on the system secure. It can then be unlocked again when the user is within range.

Lupo is also enticing to developers with its open SDK system, leaving the platform open for future improvements and additions as the product network grows with its compatibility. Presently, Lupo can be used to control a smart phone in a variety of functions including advanced capabilities that tie in with the phone’s built in camera system. Lupo even has home automation abilities, including garage door opening functions with the simple swipe of a button. Perhaps the most useful Lupo function is the tracking ability to link Lupo to other devices, and then relay that information to the user so that they can find the lost item.

Check out Lupo on Kickstarter today: and please take a moment to share with friends and family. Thank you!