What if you got everything you ever wanted?

What if you lost it?

Ideal Angels is the debut novel from author Robert Welbourn. It’s available for pre-order now, with a variety of rewards available for backers.

It’s the story of one man, one woman, and one week. Set in the north of England, it’s a tale of love, and loss. Hope, and devastation.

One of the central themes the book centres around is mental health, and the role it plays in life. One of the aims of the book, as well as to entertain, is to inform. To start conversations. To help people find the help they need.

Ideal Angels is a book about life. It’s about love, loss, and disconnection. One day you’re sitting at your desk, wondering where your life is going, and the next you’re on a rollercoaster, being pushed and pulled in directions you never thought possible, and loving every second of it.

The story of one man, one woman, and one week. Man meets woman, they fall in love. We follow them through a whirlwind week in which the man goes from nobody to everybody. Sex, drugs, something like rock and roll, the man spent so long hiding from the world in which now he is a central part.

It’s not all joy – the world is full of fear, pressure, expectation, it’s enough to drive anyone crazy. Particularly if you’ve spent your life on a knife edge. There are so many things you’re expected to do, so many ways you’re expected to fit in, no matter how much you don’t want to. You’ve tried to make your bed, and lie in it, but that’s no longer an option. You must become everything you hate, in order to survive.

What if you got everything you’d ever wanted? And what if it was taken from you? Written in the second person narrative, Ideal Angels is a book about you. A book about me. A book about everyone.

Contact Information:

Robert Welbourn
Email: robertwelbourn0@gmail.com