Hello my name is George Arriola. I am from El Paso, Texas. My goal with your help is to Re-Record my two original songs “For Love” and “Nostalgia”(Instrumental).

This is a video for my Demo of “For Love” which I would like to Re-Record and then get it Mastered. The song talks about Ecology and about The Main Source of Love, God. “Nostalgia” is an Instrumental song I just started working on and would love to finish it and also get it Mastered. The song is in the genre of Instrumental Rock so you can feel free to have a listen. “Feel free to visit my website or Youtube Channel as I have a Sample of the song there in video form. www.youtube.com

My goal is for these songs to bring more happiness to whomever listens to them and having a small part in making our world a better place for all! I want my music to touch, move and just make the listener lose themselves in the music!

The funds will wisely be used to produce both songs and to get them both Professionally Mastered. Therefore, causing it to become really, yours and my project. Here’s to US!


“Hey I was contacted by our staff that you have some great songs and I agree so just know we are reviewing ya pages and website/s. Hopefully we can take things further! “For Love” you should really push that song heavy! – Mike Caren, Atlantic Records, LA

“These tracks are not only soothing in style but exciting as well. It is the mixture of soft tones and cool lyrics that allow the listener to be taken away. Definitely a release to check out!” – Tony, Shipwreck Island Studios

“George Arriola,We want to personally congratulate you in having your song “For Love” placed in the SongVault Directory/Radio Network. This is quite an accomplishment and something you should be proud of, considering that your song has been up against hundreds of other songs – Paul John SongVault.fm” – Paul John, SongVaultFM

“Hi George, we have enjoyed your music very much, good production, good vocals, masterful playing. good work all around. We’ll continue to keep an eye and ear out for you. Keep on truckin.’” – Peter Link, Watch Fire Music
