Clear your mind and forget the stereotypes that all sitcoms worth their salt have made fun of, the roleplaying game nerds. A young wolf, or should I say a young fox, furious of that overplayed nerd stigma has set forth determined to bring his hobby of roleplaying games to a larger demographic of consumers.

Having attempted to teach much more complicated roleplaying games, such as Dungeons & Dragons to both his younger siblings, family, friends and sadly, his girlfriend; he discovered that complicated rulesets diverted newcomers from the fun of the game. As such, Hunter Fox, designed a game system called PASTS, PERSONAS & PROPHECIES, to dish out a new take on the roleplaying game genre. Built to be sleek, thin, fun and fast like an Italian sports car, his game system compliments younger age groups, newcomers to the hobby and narrative focused players.

This revolutionary game system, now featured on kickstarter is seeking a funding goal of $8,484.00 by May 1st to get this divine book of awesomeness out to loyal backers.