LOS ANGELES, CA – Due to the hardship many in Los Angeles are going through right now, there are people who are having to choose between feeding themselves or their dogs. Food stamps and food banks don’t cover dog food, and dogs are ending up in shelters because of something that could so easily be remedied.

Also, most homeless shelters don’t allow dogs. And many homeless people would rather sleep on the streets than give up their beloved companions. Even when they can barely feed themselves, most are sharing their food bank meals with their dogs, leaving less for themselves.

Dogs provide more than just unconditional love and companionship to the homeless. They keep them warm, and provide safety and security. For many of the homeless, their dogs are the one ray of hope they have left.

Entrepreneur and dog lover, Julie Austin, got the idea to start the Doggie Food Bank after finding out that dogs were ending up in the shelters because their owners couldn’t afford to feed them or pay for their medical care. “Standing by and doing nothing wasn’t an option”, says Austin. “I knew I could use my entrepreneurial and networking skills to help those who were down on their luck, but also deeply loved their dogs and wanted to take care of them.”

The Doggie Food Bank is launching a crowd-funding campaign that has one mission… get dog food and medical care to the poor and homeless, who love their dogs, but are struggling to support them.

The crowd-funding campaign is raising money for a mobile food bank, which will travel between social services, churches, and neighborhoods where the poor and homeless are located. We’ll work with social services and food banks to determine their needs, and get food and supplies to the people who qualify. It’s also an all volunteer organization.

It’s the least we can do for those who have so little”, says Austin. “To have dogs end up in shelters for something that has such a simple solution would be a shame. No dog should ever go to sleep hungry or go without medical care. And we want to make sure they don’t.”

Julie is available for interviews and can be reached at 310-444-7788 or info@doggiefoodbank.org

Crowd-funding website: www.gofundme.com
Related resources: www.doggiefoodbank.org