40% of the fires start when nobody is present. Your pet might hear the fire alarm but it can’t call you. Zen Node can!

Zen Node is a small attractive wireless appliance that “listens” to the unique sound of a smoke detector alarm and notifies you by text message or email. Zen Node also has a built in “Help” button which once pressed, generates email and text message which allows anyone in need to summon your help immediately.
The communication between you and your Zen Node is direct and frees you from dependency on any external monitoring company. As a result there is no need for monthly fees, service plans or contracts; making it the lowest cost monitoring and alert device on the market.


Zen Node main benefits and unique qualities

1. Up-smart the smoke detectors you already have – Zen Node allows your existing fire and smoke detection systems to communicate with you when you are out of the house, without the use of an intermediary monitoring company. Zen Node relies of the fact that smoke detectors, regardless of their type, produce a standard-based alarm sound pattern as defined by NFPA-72 standard. Zen Node functions as an “ear” that listens and detects this particular sound pattern. Once the sound pattern is detected, Zen Node informs you directly of the emergency. Zen Node is a simple addition to what you already have. There is no need to replace your existing smoke detectors with expensive “smart” devices.

2. Coverage – One Zen Node can cover most typical homes. A single device has a listening radius of about 24 feet. That’s an area of 1800 sq. ft., which will typically cover a number of smoke detectors. This is in contrast to competition offerings which require replacing each smoke detector with a special device – an expensive proposition.
Zen Node is battery operated and could be placed in any convenient location for best coverage.

3. No fees, no service plans, no contracts, no 3rd party – Zen Node provides a simple, direct link between the device and you. It sends notification directly to your smartphone (or to anybody you designated). Your data stays with you. There is no need to sign a contract with anybody and no need to pay any service fees.

This direct communication approach makes Zen Node unique. All other home monitoring solutions require signing up with an entity that provides monitoring and service call center. Existing solutions call for the alert signal to go to a remote server, where data is being processed and kept and where service personnel performs the notification. All this entails service plan subscriptions, contracts, monthly fees and sharing of personal data with 3rd parties.

4. Help button – Separately from the smoke alarm monitoring function, Zen Node also integrates a call button that once pressed, generates a text/email to predefined list of people, to inform them that someone is in need for immediate attention. This button is the simplest and shortest way to alert you of loved ones in need.

Technical description:
– Zen Node includes patent-pending sound analyzing and detection system and an emergency push button function. The sensor performs sound pattern recognition to distinguish between standard-based smoke detector alarm sound and any unrelated noise, to prevent false alarms.

– Zen Node employs USB form factor communication controller that plugs into available USB port of home or business PC and acts as a network coordinator. Together they establish 2.4GHz low power Zigbee private wireless network. The controller can handle and interconnect any amount of Zen Nodes, automatically configuring them into Zigbee mesh network.

– Free downloadable PC application, currently supporting Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. It enables easy programming of phone numbers and email addresses of alert recipients.

– Simple, reliable notification mechanism: when fire alarm sound is detected or when Help button is pressed, Zen Node sends wireless alert over Zigbee network to the communication controller. The controller wakes up the PC and activates the application which sends email to user or text, using email-to-text gateway of the cellular provider.

– Dimensions: The device is 2.94″W x 0.98″H (2.94″W x 1.12″H with integrated wall mounting plate) and weighs less than 5 oz.

It is powered by 2 AAA batteries.
– Availability – Zen Node pre-orders are available now through Indiegogo funding campaign. Campaign can be viewed at: Zen Node

zen node+controller