Little Spaceship Productions teams with ‘lil Red storybook app creator, Brian Main and singer/songwriter Rick Charette to produce new learning app and turns to Kickstarter community to help with production costs.

Brooklyn, NY: Little Spaceship Productions is currently in the process of developing an interactive mobile app for “Alligator in the Elevator,” the popular tune by children’s singer/songwriter Rick Charette.

This is a Kickstarter that parents of preschool children, teachers and kids will want to look in on. The foundation tune is catchy and the basic storyboard sample and character designs are adorable. The chorus invites sing-alongs, and has the kind of sticking quality that will sing in your head all day long. Maybe that isn’t the best of news for parents and teachers who will have to live with it, but it is great news for kids who are learning to count.

Krishna Ramnath, father of three, is an experienced interactive developer and designer with 20 years under his belt creating interactive multimedia for some of the world’s top agencies. He created Little Spaceship Productions to produce fun, inspiring content for preschoolers. Influenced by the television animation of early Sesame Street and Schoolhouse Rock, he hopes to bring that kind of creativity to today’s tablets and mobile devices and help foster a creative imagination and love for learning among the youngest and most precious mobile device users.

To reach that goal he has put together a talented team including Brian Main, creator of the highly acclaimed “‘lil Red” storybook app; Rick Charette, longtime children’s singer/songwriter; and Jennifer Dumlao, former director of the Brooklyn Little Saplings Co-operative Play School , Yale Media, Education and Psychology graduate and mom to his two youngest daughters.

Rewards for contributing to the Kickstarter campaign include the opportunity to sign on to become beta testers; mentions in the game credits; t-shirts; a game character based on a picture the contributor provides; and access to the production blog.

One very special reward is a signed photo of Rick Charette – which could make a nice gift for a child who has seen the singer/songwriter perform, or who enjoys his several albums. Rick has 11 CDs, 3 DVDs, and two books published. You can listen to sound files of two of Rick’s songs on the Kickstarter website.

Krishna promises to blog every step of the production process – which could be an educational activity for new animators all by itself. If the quality of the Kickstarter – which has music, video, and a tantalizing cliff-hanger – is any indication of the quality of the product, Little Spaceship Productions is going to turn out some very fine work. Rick Charette’s music alone makes it worth your time to look in on this campaign.

Tell your friends about it – parents and teachers will be especially appreciative of the content – but other people will enjoy it as well. Anyone interested in supporting the project can pledge donations in return for rewards at:

The Kickstarter campaign runs through December 3rd.

Little Spaceship Productions ( produces entertaining multi-platform interactive software apps, and video content for preschoolers and parents that encourage imagination and exploration both on and beyond the screen to help foster a thirst for knowledge and a love for learning.