For the majority of my life I have wanted to be an author, but have known that it wasn’t exactly lucrative so I had to come up with reasonable careers and resign myself with writing on the side as a hobby. I went through periods of wanting to deliver babies, treat animals, listen to peoples’ problems, and even teach, but what it always came down to was writing. I knew I wanted to write. As long as I could do that I would be happy, no matter how much money I made. So here I am with a children’s book that needs help to be published.

My brother and I are trying to get funding on for our children’s book Little Evil Genius, the story of a young girl- Beatrice- who wants to do fantastical, wonderful, and sometimes ‘evil’ things that only turn out to be impossible for a little girl like herself according to the laws of science and society. But, in the end, Beatrice decides to push through these obstacles and simply be whomever she wants to be which just happens to be an evil genius.

I want to inspire people like I was inspired, to read, write, and be themselves; this especially goes for children. But my books aren’t just for kids. I always write with everyone in mind, I want to touch the hearts of as many people as possible be they young or old or anything in between. I call these “Everybody Books” because that’s who they are for.

We currently have all but one of the pictures done for the book and the one that still needs to be made is a reward option. All of the writing is completed as well; all we need to do is publish and send it off!

If you would like to learn more about our project and/or check out some of the artwork from the book, done by my talented brother, please check out our Kickstarter page at:

Thank you for your time and, hopefully, your donation.
-E.A. Perkins and Stephen Perkins