A traditional artist that goes by the name of “AFW Design” has created a show stopping series of drawings for a custom 54 card deck, recently added to kickstarter. In attempts to fund the project the artist himself has been seen promoting the project throughout the web. Working hard with current backers, “AFW Design” can be found spending many nights finalizing the work to create a crowd funded, one of a kind custom artwork that would make his mother proud. When questioned, the artist has commented on his sustainable / green approach to making this series of work. ” I wanted to create a locally sourced project so I can 1- have more control over the prints + quality and 2 – not use as much fuel/carbon emissions in the beginning phases of press checks and printing.”  With these goals the artist has set out on a green mission to make friends and long lasting relationships with local printers and artists.

To see more and read more on this project please visit the link @ www.kickstarter.com.

Help this artist make his momma proud!