Let’s SAVE THE FORESTS on our planet TOGETHER! Hemp paper, for sure, is able to reduce deforestation in 42%!

We have started the publishing project CANNABIS BOOK “Total DOWNSHIFTING or Full UPGRADE” on www.indiegogo.com


It INSPIRES TO LIVE in nature & to SAVE FORESTS! Together we will publish this book on a hemp paper!

The book will be published on hemp paper to stop the destruction of forests on our planet.

It is about the incredible journey of Kievans to the mystical Mountain Altai.

It tells you that harmonious, joyful, life is possible! Philosophical reflections, analytics, facts and conclusions about the fate of mankind are clearly combined with an interesting story about the Ukrainian family’s life in the middle of the forest, deep in Syberian Taiga.

Let us do our best and with this publishing project to revile the hemp reputation. So people could get from this wonderful plant as much as it gives – paper, clothes, medicines, food, fuel and building materials.

Watch our video: www.youtube.com

Read more about book: bio-settlements.com

Do your best! Share this good news with your friends!

Acting together, we can guarantee fresh water and clean air to the kids on the planet.

P.S. We expect a big interest to our book so we plan to make a page of our hemp friends. We will be glad to place your logo & link on it. We are thankful to you for posting the information about our project on your website!

P.P.S. In gratitude to your help in spreading good news about our project & REPOSTING this INFO on your webpages, we will be pleased to send you the digital version of the book as a gift. (Feel free to contact us and send us your e-mail).