UBTech launched the Alpha 2 Indiegogo campaign on November 11 2015. So far they have raised over $1.2 million from nearly 1,000 backers (with a $100K flexible funding goal) for their new family-oriented humainoid robot.

alpha 2 indiegogoAlpha 2 an innovative robot that can teach yoga, tutor kids, hold conversations and more. Alpha 2 can also act as a nurse or vet by reminding the family when to take their medication, an alarm or personal assistant. Plus, Alpha 2 is open source – so the possibilities are endless!

UBTech has invited us to “dream with robots,” and judging by their crowdfunding success it seems that dream is alive in many of us.

Here are five reasons why we believe Alpha 2 Indiegogo campaign was so successful:

1. Great Video

This campaign’s 3 minute and 8 second video stars Alpha 2, the adorable new robot that teaches yoga, makes a great companion, useful tool and valuable family member. Watching this short video, we can see the vision that the creators have for Alpha 2 and learn about the team’s expertise in the robotics industry also!

2. Long List of Benefits

The UBTech team uses their pitch to explain how Alpha 2 works, and lists the robot’s many capabilities (with pictures). As you scroll down the page and see what Alpha 2 can do (home guard, entertainer, and storyteller are a few I haven’t mentioned yet) it’s hard not to get excited about this little robot!

3. Rewards Backers Want

The Alpha 2 Indiegogo campaign has a fairly long list of different rewards. The $599 early bird special – available to 100 backers – sold out, as did the 10 Pack Classic (which was available to 30 backers for $6,299 each)! Ten backers also pledged $28,499 for the Super Distributer Package.

Smaller pledge levels can be a great way to get more people to support your campaign, but if you have a great product you shouldn’t have a hard time filling up larger, limited reward tiers.

4. A Strong Team

UBTech proudly displays their team member’s names, roles and expertise on their Indiegogo page, making it easy for backers to judge for themselves whether they are capable of pulling this project off.

This approach brings more personality to the effort, unlike some campaigns with a name and a logo but no faces behind them.

5. Planning Ahead

This campaign gives a detailed campaign schedule so backers have an idea of how the project has progressed so far and steps to where it is going next (for example: August 2014, product hardware R&D).

They also have an extensive FAQ to answer questions backers might have, which can reduce the number of redundant emails you will have to answer.

The team proudly shares that the manufacturing of Alpha 2 has already begun, stating:

“GOOD NEWS! We started the entire process months ago so we could meet the delivery within four months time. We expect all of our manufactured parts to arrive at our Los Angeles location, ready for assembly and packaging by February 2016. Your campaign contributions will help us pay for all of the materials necessary to produce enough units to meet heavy demand. It’s also been our dream to make it onto the shelves of retail stores. If you can help us blow away our campaign goal, we might just get noticed by big box retailers!”

It looks like these dreams might come true. The Alpha 2 campaign has received a lot of attention, shares on social media and media coverage from Engadget, Digital Trends, GeekWire and others. They also managed to raise more than 10 times their funding goal!


The Alpha 2 Indiegogo campaign is a great example of how different elements of a crowdfunding project come together to compel backers to show their support. If you take away one of these elements or execute them poorly, you can see how your campaign might be hindered.

Main takeaways: create a clear video that draws attention, show backers what your project can do for them, focus on rewards your backers will want the most, display your team’s strengths, and plan ahead as much as possible.

But, before launching on Indiegogo we recommend checking some of these things that you should be aware of.

the author

Krystine Therriault is the community manager for CrowdCrux and has helped creators with their crowdfunding projects on KickstarterForum.org. She loves learning about new trending projects and dissecting them to bring new tips and information to creators. You can find her on LinkedIn here or Twitter here.