A Kyokushin Karate Manga Textbook for the future fighters! Order now and you will be named as a supporter inside the book.

Our Vision

The main idea is to develop a Kyokushin textbook for all junior karate fighters. Kids love to read manga comics, so what could be better as creating an educating story about the kyokushin way. Each book will contain the techniques for the next grading test, combined with a nice story about the philosophy of karate, explained and drawn in typical Japanese manga style.

We want to replace old illustrated karate encyclopedias with these new modern textbooks. Not only the junior fighters liked that idea, even the master classes we interviewed before were excited about it.

It is also the perfect present for your children, a great technique guide, Karate encyclopedia and a motivation to go on with your training and reach the next level.

Bring “The Kyokushin Way” to life and support us!


The Kyokushin Way

Based on the story of the young man Akira, who is searching for one of the best martial arts, you will learn the karate philosophy and the techniques of each rank. We combine the learning part with a lovely drawn manga story and take care of all parts of the kyokushin spirit.

The focus of this manga is to convey the kyokushin techniques for each grading test. In the first book Akira discovers the kyokushin dojo and starts his karate training.

Follow Akira on his way to become a strong kyokushin fighter!

The first book contains all techniques of the 10. Kyu

Gi and Obi
Yoi Dachi
Fudo Dachi
Zenkutsu Dachi
Oi Tsuki
Gedan Barai
Morote Tsuki
Jodan Uke
Hiza Geri
Kin Geri

The Ultimate Goal

This project is made out of the passion to Karate, our dream is to create a series of hardcover books in several languages for all grading tests, starting from the 10. Kyu until the 1. Dan! That means: we want to produce eleven textbooks at all, and for every next book we need again 10.000,00€. We don’t earn any money, the whole income is for the production.

Only possible with your support!
Unfortunately the production costs are really high, so the only possibility to get this done, is with your help. If you like that idea, please support us on Kickstarter and share that link with your friends and the world!