Mom and Dad can sit on the beach knowing their child is safe playing with the new Surfer Dudes wave rider beach toy. Cocoa Beach inventor Joe Thompson has started a Kickstarter campaign for his new toy called Surfer Dudes. “The World’s Best Beach Toy” is a self-righting surfer who can catch any wave and ride it all the way back to shore. Kids stay safe in the shallows because they never have to go into deep water to retrieve the toy—it floats back to shore every single time. The unique design of Surfer Dudes allows it to stay upright in the waves and surf just like a real pro. Kids never need to go more than shin-deep in the water to enjoy this fun new toy. All they have to do is throw it out into the waves and watch it ride back in style.

Inventor Joe Thompson encountered some unique problems during the design process of Surfer Dudes. The curvature of the board needed to be precise, or the nose would catch the water and flip the Dude over every time. There was also the issue of balance. Having a standard surfboard fin on the bottom of the Surfer Dude board was not enough to keep the toy upright, so Joe had to invent a new twist on an old design. His patented new beach toy is fun for the whole family, but most importantly, it’s safe.

Your kids are probably just as tired of buckets and shovels as you are. There is only so much fun to be had with a Frisbee, and if no one is around to play catch, your child is on their own. Surfer Dudes is an excellent beach toy for staying safe in the shallows while keeping the young ones entertained for hours.

Joe came up with the idea for the wave rider beach toy while watching his youngest son in the shallows. His older brother was surfing with his friends, and the young boy wanted nothing more than to be out in the deeper water with the “cool kids”. So Joe set about designing Surfer Dudes, his answer to the problem! His toy was an immediate hit. His youngest son now felt like he was part of the group. He could safely throw his Surfer Dude into the waves and catching him on the ride back to shore. Even the older boys set down their boards and joined in the fun!

The Kickstarter campaign has been started to crowdfund the necessary costs to cover the molds for manufacturing and to order the first batch of Surfer Dudes for distribution. The manufacturers are standing by with designs in hand—all they need is the cash to start production. All materials in Surfer Dudes are non-toxic and American made.

Check out this great new toy on Kickstarter today!