Valhallions is proud to announce Superchron their first RPG created by Robert McConvey and Caerys Walsh. Superchron is a fast paced adventure RPG (Role Playing Game) with a completely original and new system. This new system promotes on the spot calls and allows the players to progress immediately and in whatever direction they choose. We have launched this project through Kickstarter in order to raise enough money to work on Superchron full time so that we can complete the writing as well as the art work and it is available now for you to look at in more detail here. Superchron banner

The art style is a combination of American comic books and Japanese manga through the eyes of an Irish artist. Each piece is hand painted by Caerys in colour inks and acrylics. The game is set in the future but at first will feel like a fantasy game with players using basic melee or ranged weapons. As they uncover old tech and scavenge resources they can start crafting and editing more complex and almost steam punk style weaponry to aid them on their adventure. So although there is no electricity or power a crank handled chain gun is more than possible with the right parts and know how. Anything is possible with the right idea and some lucky rolls.

Superchron mountain village

Superchron is a creation of love and adventure. We wanted to instil a sense of grandeur, danger and freedom in every aspect of this game and we feel that we have succeeded. Superchron has been crafted from scratch and everything about it is original content. The main aspects of the game are:
• an exciting premise based on a scientifically possible apocalyptic future
• a new critical system that allows for instant character progression
• an innovative dice pool mechanic that allows for teamwork and outside the box thinking
• creative freedom like never before for both players and GMs
• an expansive sandbox for GMs to mould to their whim and guides to make it work

All of this and more can be found in this game and with your help we can make it a reality.


the author

Valhallions is the partnership of Caerys Walsh and Robert McConvey. We are games developers, writers and artists carving a road in life. Geeks and gamers through and through!