Newcomers to this crowd-funding website should know that is a global crowd-funding platform based in the United States, where users are free to create projects and pledge donations for promises of tiered rewards and a successful idea. “The Visible Bible” – in one such project which promises to “buy up a bunch of extraordinarily rare and expensive artifacts described in the Bible, as well as everyday Christian icons and relics.”

The project founder, Phil G., also claims to “take tiny samples from each one and display them in a case or frame or something similar.” The final product will be encased in casting resin or displayed in a 3D wooden or plastic photo frame.

Dimensions (estimated): 8.5″ by 11″
Weight (estimated): Less than 1 pound
Cost (estimated): $50-200 per unit

The current purchase list is subject to availability but intends to include such rare artifacts as:

• a Nail from the true Cross of Christ
• a Reliquary cross w/ 7 saint relics
• a square of carpet from the Pope John Paul coronation
• a stone from Mt. Ararat
• real Egyptian beads from the time of Moses
• St. Padre Pio relics – 12 cards (saint with Stigmata)
• a real Crown of Thorns from Jerusalem
• Steel shavings from rubble found at the World Trade Center 9-11 Ground Zero
• frankincense – 1oz (Birth of Christ)
• myrrh – 1oz (Birth of Christ)
• real meterorite piece (“fell from the Heavens”)
• sea shells from the Red Sea (Exodus/Moses and the Isrealites crossing the Red Sea)
• 100% silver bar – 10 ingots (“7 pieces of silver”)
• Gopherwood cedar
• 24K Gold in fluid suspension
• Holy Eucharist

As well as many more.

The finished product will be gently wrapped in a fine cloth, placed inside a large blood-red envelope, and accompanied with a small magnifying glass, as well as every available certificate of Authenticity, and a sheet describing each artifact in detail with accompanying Bible verse.

The “Visible Bible” project seems to have backers already, with many more to come.

The Visible Bible – A collection of rare Christian artifacts  on Vimeo.

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