We all work and we all know that always is not a pleasant experience. Cranky bosses, cheap owners and annoying co-workers coupled with daily life experiences can make for some rough days at work. The Head Honcho Game is designed for people who work and need to unwind after a rough week. Now its your chance to take charge and try your hand at being in charge, or if you are a business owner or supervisor it may be your turn to take orders This game has been in development for some time now. We have been through many prototypes and have spent many hours testing and editing the game and now were finally ready to put the game into production. We had the game play tested by people of various ages and found that everyone who played it really enjoyed playing. Thanks to sites like Kickstarter we may get the chance to get this game to the public.

The object of the game is to purchase stock. The player with the most stock at the time is the boss and controls the game and makes all the decisions that arise during the game. As the boss you decide peoples’ fate, if they should be fired, fined, or any other decisions that need to be made. You manage strikes and negotiate what employees will get or not get. you’re the boss! Be as easy or as tough as you want, but beware because the tables can turn with just a roll of the dice and you may have to answer to someone else! Once all the stock is sold the person with the most stock is declared the Head Honcho and the winner.

We started the Kickstarter project to raise funds to help complete the game. We have already had a partial printing of the first production run and need your help to complete it. Please check us out on Kickstarter Head Honcho Game and maybe back us and receive your own copy of the Head Honcho Game. Everyone deserves the chance to be the head honcho! Thank you for your time and have a great day!