New York’s Brand New Live-Action Experience In Which Participants Either Complete Missions To Survive The Apocalypse Or Become Zombies To Spread The Infection.

New York, NY – Think you have what it takes to survive the zombie apocalypse? Want to see if you could secure the safety of a team of survivors in a venue filled with the undead? Perhaps you’d prefer to walk amongst the undead and spread the infection. Help us give you the opportunity to see if you have what it takes by backing the Apocalypse Hotel Kickstarter project!

Apocalypse Hotel, New York’s newest interactive theatrical event has launched a crowd sourcing campaign through to raise funds for the premiere of its New York production in April 2014 at the Brooklyn Lyceum.

Apocalypse Hotel is a choose your own adventure interactive theatrical experience in which players either attempt to survive the zombie takeover and progress through multiple story-driven levels or join the zombie horde to hunt and infect the remaining survivors. Unlike other live action zombie themed events such as haunted houses and obstacle courses, surviving Apocalypse Hotel won’t be just about running away. Small groups of survivors will be thrown into a post-apocalyptic venue and faced with fate altering decisions and realistic survival scenarios all while trying to avoid being infected by zombies! Actors and other participants will guide you, try to influence you, scare you, help you, and those that choose to become zombies will even try to infect you; which turns you into a zombie for the rest of the game. Each experience is unique and the outcome is solely determined by choices made throughout the game play.

Apocalypse Hotel is part of the exciting evolution of traditional theater where the audience moves throughout the venue, interacting with the story, set, and actors. This show takes interactive theater a step even further with attendees becoming the main characters that ultimately influence and decide the outcome of each performance.

The Racoon City times calls Apocalypse Hotel “One of the best training devices for surviving the end of days”.

“Ever want to know who you should have on your zombie survival team? You’ll know after you experience Apocalypse Hotel” – Some guy at Comic-Con next year, probably.

With your help, Apocalypse Hotel will be up and running as soon as Spring 2014. To learn more and help us bring Apocalypse Hotel to life visit our Kickstarter page: