KICKSTARTER Launch – “Technically Magi” Original Comic Series

Stranded in a land of magic and monsters, one world’s computer whiz must discover what it takes to become another world’s wizard!

Thee Kickstarter campaign to create an original comic book series is officially launched…off the ground…and running NOW!

This comic series takes the love or role playing games, like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, etc., in a whole new twist with loads of humor and intrigue. Imagine being a fearful 12 year old boy from an advanced technological society who becomes ship wrecked and alone in a primitive world of swords and sorcery. With the protection of a loading dock robot Kai survives the ship’s impact to the surface. He’s rescued by an apprentice magi and her quirky mentor. Together they’re Kai’s only hope of staying alive long enough for his parent’s return.


TECHNICALLY MAGI (pronounced mey-jahy) is an ongoing comic book series that is a mixture of thrills, humor, intrigue, monsters, and mayhem. 1 part Robinson Crusoe, 1 part sci-fi, and a whole buttload of your favorite d20 role playing game (dragons, dungeons, barbarians, casters, clerics, liches, with the occasional mech).

This is a true Kickstarter campaign with a goal to get over a publishing hump of 4 issues. That would effectively kick start us so that we could keep the story coming uninterrupted. We’re talkin’ a full glorious-color ongoing series. We have a gobsmackingly amazing story to share. And we need your participation to make it happen!

YES! I’m hoping you have some questions. Please contact me and ask away!
I’m happy to oblige any interview requests. We really just wanna get the word out there because of our passion for this story. Once shared I think we’ll have some impassioned readers as well.

CONTACT: Gary Turner
A Little Vast Studios
Honolulu, HI – (Yep that’s a lotta time zones)
(808) 388-6110