Atlanta, GA — Shakti Girls, a rhyming collection of biographies about unforgettable women from India, launches on Kickstarter. A children’s book, Shakti Girls breaks down stereotypes and celebrates remarkable women from India while helping young readers, especially girls and children of color, to dream big.

“Growing up as a second-generation Indian-American, I hoped one day I would see myself represented in the books that I read,” says Shetal Shah, author of Shakti Girls, “even today, as an adult, I desire to see more women like me fill the shelves in bookstores. I yearn for that inspiration. That’s why I wrote Shakti Girls”.

Shakti Girls is a collection of children’s poems about inspiring women from India who embody shakti, the inner power of the feminine. From the mathematical genius Shakuntala Devi to the freedom fighter Kasturba Gandhi, these women’s stories are illuminated to inspire a new generation. Empowering words in Hindi are woven into each poem and motivating messages are directed to the reader. Illustrated by Kavita Rajput, Shakti Girls is filled with Mughal-inspired floral motifs celebrating Indian artistry and beautiful portraits of each shakti girl.

“Kavita immediately understood the significance of this project. I knew her technique of combining watercolor with sketching and digital art would bring vibrancy and beauty to the book”, says Shetal Shah, author of Shakti Girls.

The Kickstarter campaign for Shakti Girls will support production, marketing, and advertising costs. Exceeding campaign goals will allow for more copies of the book to reach the hands of more young readers and also allow work on the next book in the series to begin. In exchange for pledging to the project, backers can gain access to various rewards including early release copies of the book, bookmarks, stickers, t-shirts, tote bags, and an author visit.

For more information, please visit the Kickstarter page or contact the author below.

Contact Information:
Shetal Shah
Author for Shakti Girls