Ash Mountain Films prepare as they enter the last hours of their campaign towards a £15,000 independent film production target on Kickstarter.

Dogged, an independent feature film, is a continuation of the acclaimed short by the same name, which came 5th in BBC 3’s nationwide indie horror competition, ‘The Fear’, by Studio Lambert.

With only around £400 to go, fans have been donating, tweeting and sharing to help it reach its goal. Titles such as associate and executive producer are still available for those interested in being a more prominent part of this exciting venture!

Dogged the short film received rave reviews from popular bloggers, indie horror magazines and websites such as: UK Horror Scene, The Blood-Shed, Wight Blood Blogger and Popcorn Horror, among others.

Ash Mountain has a professional cast and crew ready to dedicate themselves to this promising project. The film will star Sam Saunders (#Selfie, 2015) and Aiysha Jebali (Call of Babylon, 2012), playing Sam and Rachel, as they navigate their way through a psychological horror, written and directed by Richard Rowntree.

On board is an award-winning VFX artist, Lee Wignall and the film will be co-produced by Christopher Foulser. Former member of The Band of Her Majesty’s Coldstream Guards and professional musician, James Griffiths will compose unique ensembles to enhance the atmosphere of this creepy modern horror. He has composed for such clients as: MTV, Yahoo and VansTV, as well as traveled the world as a performing artist.

There’ll be great visuals, crystal-clear sound, quality acting and an intriguing story with twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Rewards for financial supporters include, but are not limited to: an autographed copy of the DVD, promote your business, various IMDb credits, tickets to the premier, take home a film prop, signed memorabilia, shave the director’s head, be on set and an invite to the wrap party.

Dogged the feature shall begin shooting this summer, provided they reach their target.

Company: Ash Mountain Films
Project: Dogged (Feature Film)

Contact Information:



Dogged Kickstarter:
Ash Mountain Film:
Richard Rowntree:
Sam Saunders:
Aiysha Jebali: