Hello everyone,
we are on the look out for help with our kickstarter project Kernowland, its an adaption of Jack Trewalnys children’s books by the same name Kernowland. we are looking at doing a pilot of the first eight chapters of the first book the crystal pool, this is where main characters (see on the link) Tizzie & louis adventure through the crystal pool and into Kernowland in Erthwurld. Since the publication of his first book Kernowland The Crystal Pool, Jack has visited over 1,000 schools and presented to 200,000 children with his Edutainment show, Jacks website is filled with fan mail and pictures from children all over who love his story’s with passion.

(Tizzie, nearly eleven, and Louis, seven-and-three quarters, are exploring Echo Cave when they are magically transported through the Crystal Pool to Kernowland in Erthwurld.
This parallel world is a terrifying place full of vile villains and monstrous, genetically modified, mutant creatures, where heroic rebels are valiantly resisting Evile the Emperor and his Evil Empire. Kidnapped, sold into slavery, and cruelly separated, how will Tizzie and Louis ever find each other, escape Erthwurld, and get safely home to Mum and Dad?)


Why just a pilot?

Stop motion animation is expensive and a long process, so we want to create a short 8 -10 minutes to show the fans and backers how the books will work in stop motion before moving on to obtain funding for the larger project. Everything is ready and we now need to raise the funds to get this pilot animated.

We have a very talented group of skilled Educated  animators on board the project, all there links to their work can be found on the page.jack-trelawny-at-school-07a

one of the most fantastic things about this project is the fans, the children who read the adventures   of Tizzie & Louis and get captivated by their discovery’s in kernowland, the audience is waiting, waiting for there favorite characters to come alive.
please have a read see if you can help, share us, like us anything that would help spread the word about our magical project 🙂 thank you


all the best Zeke Ares

the author

I am a stop motion addicted, cant get enough of puppets, sets, animation anything stop motion related really. I have been an active stop motion animator now for a few years and in my time i have been apart of some wonderful projects from CITV pilots to anti x factor music videos. last year i was able to have a little taste of a dream of mine, I directed a stop motion trailer based animation of H.G Wells War of the Worlds entitled SURGE It was a fantastic project working with such amazing talented people and something i will always remember. I am a Family man with two wonderful children and a wonderful wife who supports all by stop motion madness, this project came around because of my son Adam is a massive fan of jack Trelawnys books Kernowland. I have studied very hard to be where i am today and i am always trying to create wonders with animation. :)