Businesses should not be just about making profits; it should be about building and bringing value every day to as many. Karmalize.Me is revolutionizing the way businesses are operated. When a customer purchases a product from Karmalize.Me we donate 50% of the profits from that purchase to the charity our customer’s choice. In essence, our customers have a say on how they would like our profits to be spent. That we think is very empowering!

At Karmalize.Me, we bring 100% organic, GMO-free, and kosher products directly to the consumer.  We handpick products that are high in nutritive value, with low Glycemic load. In bringing these products to our customers, we work directly with the farmers & co-ops, building friendships and relations to understand the love and heart they put into growing organic, GMO-free products, as opposed to conventional products. Upon completing the purchase of a product at website, the customer receives an email every month sharing how much money from their purchase will be donated to their favorite charity.


Charitable contributions, is traditionally the territory of Fortune 500 companies. These companies contribute 0.1 to 10% of their profits to charitable contributions. Even in doing so, the companies give little to no visibility on the how much and to whom, the profits from an individual purchase are donated.

Karmalize.Me is the first business that empowers the customers to dictate how our profits from their purchase should be spent.


People often ask us the question, What does the name Karmalize.Me mean? Karmalize Me is a play on words “Karma Lies (in) Me”. Simply put, if you do good, good comes back to you.


Transparency Through Empowerment: We will empower our customers to become Bill and Melinda Gates in their own right by supporting their causes/charity through healthy eating choices that they make. They will have a say on how we use our profits to help their cause/charity.

Great Quality High Nutritive Food Choices at Affordable Prices: Karmalize.Me products will always be high in nutrivive value, 100% organic, and GMO-free. Our goal is not only to provide products that match and/or surpass our competitors in quality, but also at prices that are affordable so that people can swap out conventional products with 100% organic products.

Free Shipping: We will take the hassle out of shopping at the stores and standing in long line to pay, by shipping to their doorstep for no additional cost.


Shubhra and Amit are meditators (been meditating 15+ years), philanthropists (support education of 10 kids a year through “Care for Children” charity), and volunteer 7-10 hours a week for the Art of Living Foundation teaching meditation and the Happiness Program.

Shubhra, also known as Shubhipedia, is an avid reader of everything under the sun. Shubhra has majored with masters in Computer Science. Prior to starting Karmalize.Me,  she worked in the finance industry as a trader at Royal Bank of Canada…she was doing all the things right but somehow happiness was fleeting. And that’s how she started her journey on Karmalize.Me… in pursuit of happiness.

Amit, also known as Soup King, loves to experiment (on people) with new recipes. Amit has majored with masters in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. A great team leader, he has a penchant for successfully implementing complex projects. He is passionate (an understatement) about doing things that touch people’s lives positively. And that’s how he started his journey on Karmalize.Me.


We lauched a Kickstarter Campaign ( in order to raise funds to bring Karmalize.Me products to the mass market. We would love to get a bit of your help if you believe our business is worth supporting. You can also boost our enthusiasm and support your good health by visiting www.Karmalize.Me and placing pre-orders with us.

We hope to create a business which uplifts individuals and communities and forever changes the way people do business! We would love to get in touch with you regarding providing additional materials and details about our campaign and company.

Website: www.Karmalize.Me
Twitter: @karmalize_me