This is a story of an alien girl who befriended a child king. This is the first volume of their goofy adventures.

What is All This?:

This is a comic about a little alien cat-dog-thing named Speedy who lives on a planet that has been invaded by another race who has enslaved them. What this race’s name is, is unknown since they won’t say. So Speedy’s people, the Squllist, have come to call them the “Tall People”.

Speedy lives with her family who are hiding out from the Tall People until she was six years old she was captured.

Through some events she finds herself the pet of the child king, Zeke, who renames her Kaila simply because she was too nervous to say her real name. She finds herself liking the name and decides to keep it. She often talks in the third person, because she likes to hear it.

Zeke, supposedly a dictator and a monster from what Kaila’s mother account of him, turns out to just be a spoiled kid who’s bored.

Soon they are so close one wonder if she can be considered a “pet” to Zeke anymore.

This story is about these two aliens growing up and trying to understand each others race, habits, and customs in the most goofiest and cartoonish way possible.

The Goal:

Kaila’s Adventures was first created as a contest entry in an Online Comic Tournament.

Since then she has developed into a more complex character, with a history and culture. In fact I have even done some videos, some small animations, and she has her own blog.

While most people know her back story from the contest, I never did get to give her, her own comic. I wish to make this dream come true and focus on making not only her own comic, but other projects related to Kaila.

Kaila also has a website.

Why a Kickstarter?:

What I am hoping to do with this Kickstarter is to begin Kaila’s first volume of 50 – 55 pages or so of her main story, with a possibility of some shorts thrown in there as well. Ones I’ve posted and possibly ones I haven’t.

Also I can work on the 2nd volume and have better prizes. It all depends on how well the funding goes.

And The Money?:

Well, while I could work on this, it takes a lot of time. I don’t have work, but that is due to some medical condition I have. But at the same  time I cannot get Government funding for support because it’s not  recognized as a disability. So I have no income whatsoever.

What I plan to do with the money is support my living, create the book itself, make the prizes, and keep my supplies funded to make the comic.


There are tons of prizes for funding! Lots of Kaila related goodies for backing this project, which I hope does real well.
