Just Say Yes is a fun, inspirational, comedy/drama about a young, wise-cracking hustler named Connie who is “convinced” to take on a business internship while working at a non-profit organization called the Granville Academy. The main theme of Just Say Yes is how financial education and mentoring can change someone’s life. It covers important topics such as:

Business & Investing
Assets, Liabilities, and Risk Management
Working Hard & Working Smart
Giving Back to Others & Your Community
Changing Your Mindset in Order to Equal Success

With Your help, we can help bring a fun, positive, and educational film to the world! A portion of the movie proceeds will go to the Granville Academy.

Conrad “Connie” Jenkins is a scrawny, wise-cracking, 20-year-old from the rough streets of East Trenton, NJ. Connie is a hustler. He can sell a box of matches to a dragon. He can sell regular clothes to Lady Gaga. However, Connie’s “salesmanship” skills gets him in trouble with the police and he has to go to court. Connie sits in front of Judge Hanks, a no nonsense judge, and across from the overzealous Police Officer who arrested him. It looks like doom and gloom for Connie. However, Connie, with his gift of gab, is able to talk his way out of a more serious charge. Judge Hanks observes Connie’s quick wit and verbal talents.

Connie celebrates his victory by going back to the streets and continuing with his “business”. And what happens? He gets once again arrested by the same exact Police Officer and sent back to Judge Hanks. Judge Hanks decides to give Connie an ultimatum. He gives Connie the choice of either going to jail or taking on a business internship in New York City while working for minimum wage at the Granville Academy, run by philanthropist William Granville.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking… what’s the catch? If Connie quits the internship, he goes to jail. If he quits working at the Granville Academy, he goes to jail. If he gets thrown out of the internship, he goes to jail. If he gets fired from the Granville Academy, he goes to jail. If Connie jaywalks… well, you get the idea!

Just Say Yes was finalist in the Organization of Black Screenwriters Competition and also scored highly on several other competitions, including the Nicholl Fellowships which is run by the Academy Awards. Please take a moment to share our campaign with friends and family. Thank you! www.indiegogo.com