Just Beneath The Skin is a cinematic/action puzzle RPG revolving around Shyla, whom unknowingly and unwillingly is forced into battling for her life and for the lives of many others.

JBS first started as a book idea, when I was younger I would write away in my notebook story ideas/plots and extend on them if I liked the base. I loved the concept of this game so much that I wrote an entire 150 page novel to really bring the JBS world alive, after several years of revisions and edits to the draft I thought about publishing it. Considering I know the story inside and out from what I envisioned it was more of a video game/anime then a book. So with that JBS for the PC was born, starting from scratch it is where it is today because of how much I love this story.

I also expanded on the JBS world and wrote two sequel books that not only bring you into more brand new worlds but continue where the story left off each book, pulling you in and making you want more.

JBS is already well into development, and you can check out the latest Beta v1.4

(caution, this game is not intended to be easy)

Try the BETA:


 BETA Gameplay:

  • 2 hours + worth of gameplay (depending on player).
  • Is in BETA stages but everything should run smoothly.

This game only works on windows so please keep that in mind before downloading, if you come across any issues feel free to message me.



Jeremy Solares

I go by Tsuyoi Raion in many places, I am indie designer who has experience in many different fields. Always having a curiosity in any form of art, I tend to grab hold of anything I can learn in order to master everything as they would say. As an indie designer I know how important it is to be good at many different things, with eighteen years of computer experience and knowledge in over three hundred plus programs I hold myself up pretty well against competitors.

Being a one man developer I have to cover everything in the game from scratch up, everything merely takes time to do and perfect but can be done over due time. The funding from this fundraiser is supporting me for the next 6 months and pay for artist services. As of now I have no steady income and am really putting myself on a tightrope wearing a blindfold and asking the audience to guide me. This is something I have to do because we all have to go for our dreams, the ones that bring us joy through the challenges and rewards.

Where Your Money Goes


For adding onto the production of JBS I would like to update the character art as personally I don’t feel what I have now blends well with the game. I currently have a designer who has produced quality work for me already, most of the sprites were made by him. When this project is funded he will take care of making thefuture sprites and character graphics for JBS.

Besides that most of the Kickstarter money will simply go into my living expenses, considering a nice chunk will disappear when KS charges the fundraiser transaction I am really asking bare minimum to be able to finish the game in six months and hire on the above artist to give the game that extra oomph.


Kickstarter Link: http://kck.st/189TYnJ

Website: www.justbeneatheskin.net

IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/just-beneath-the-skin

the author

Determined indie game designer.