
Jack Stone, a teenage boy with powers, seeks revenge for his mother’s death, and to protect the powerful black stone from The Ravens.

Greetings! My name is Eric Crawley, a singer, songwriter, and aspiring author. I currently work for the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Texas. For awhile now I have been working on my music, producing songs, and even writing a book. At 25 years of age, I am very ambitious with a creative spirit and also a kid at heart. I know that reading is definitely fundamental and needed more in today’s society. And that’s why I wanted to contribute in support of engaging our youth to read by creating a story of my own…

For the past two years after, I had finished grad school for business administration, I’ve been developing a story that I believe our youth will love and both grasp towards.

I have edited the manuscript, wrote rough drafts, and hired a few professional editors to make sure the story flowed, and to see that certain holes were filled for understanding and consistency for our young readers. I have done that much with my own money. I am now needing to raise money so that my book can go through its final professional stages of editing, and to have my work published and launched for children/teenagers everywhere to read.

I am needing help to fund this effort..

Your Donation will help towards:
Locking in a very good publishing company. I am doing this all by myself, and to have experts who can make this story come to life in a professional and marketable form will do wonders for this project. Kids deserve what I believe another great book of both adventure and wonder.

Your support will help me specifically in:

• final editing stages
• final professional proofreadings
• hiring the artist to design the website for promotions, information, cool features, and contests for kids.
• formatting and design for the book cover
• merchandise, packaging material to deliver certain rewards, and copies of the book in bulk.
• acquiring legal registrations costs, ISBN codes, and fees for getting the marketing done by a professional
• promotion and marketing expenses

Please know that all donations will be allocated wisely and thoughtfully towards the financing of this book project.

How Long Is The Book?

The book will be approximately 70-90 pages among its final stages of edits, and proofreading. I even wrote the book to allow me the opportunity to write the second installment if it is high in demand. Crossing fingers that it will be…

the author

Hailing from Dallas, Texas, Singer / Songwriter Eric Crawley possesses a strong personality in his music. Touching on many different emotions we all can relate to. Aside from his awesome performance skills, he leaves a mysterious edge, that leaves you wanting more. Compared to the likes of Brandy, Omarion, Frank Ocean, and Maxwell alike, are all inspirations in which he chooses to mold into his own special and unique style. Now he is venturing out and stretching his creative mind to be a successful author, starting with a children's book.