I am Doc Ish Grammy Award winning producer most notably known for producing Eminem’s comeback single “We Made You”. I have worked with many artist such as Eminem, Neyo, Talib Kweli, Max B, Chris Webby, KRS-One, Billy Danze of M.O.P and more. I have been running “InYaHead” youth programs In Hartford, CT for over 10 years now primarily for teenagers ages 15 – 19 years old convicted of violent crimes.
What is InYaHead?

InYaHead is a successful youth program, established in 2008. By focusing on learning how to capture one’s creativity, dreams, and admiration, it is our mission to cultivate growth in the minds of those determined to excel. Through trust, community, and practical, real-world experiences we helped move music production, song writing, recording and engineering from a seemingly unattainable fantasy into a reality. In unleashing one’s creativity we are able to help our youth express the anger that can come with the daily struggles of a relentless environment. We teach our youth to imagine the best version of themselves so that we can help them build self-esteem, through leadership and values without the need for physical aggression. That is why InYaHead was forged out of the clear and present need for this specific outlet. I know this through both personal experience and research.

I started a Kickstarter to help keep alive the InYaHead youth program by putting this project together, “Surviving 2020”. In January during the Federal Government shutdown we were up for our annual Federal Grant that we lost on top of Catholic Charities building shutting down the floor that occupied the InYaHead program. Due to not receiving any grants, private funding etc.. this year and the world being in a world pandemic crisis (“COVID-19”) and all. I decided to venture on and take a different approach in continuing to help the kids in keeping them safe in a clean recording studio environment. There’s a saying “Reach one, teach one”. Backers can help out these underprivileged kids keep their dreams alive by pledging. Your pledge will help take these untapped talented young teenagers away from these streets and all the temptations she has to offer by injecting them back into the studio, keeping them focused on bigger better goals, channeling their energy into something more construction, more positive, while attending the program 3-4 days a week in the recording studio with me (Doc Ish). Working on what they love and are so passionate about. We will be in the studio producing, writing, recording this Album/LP while also in the process of having the rare and special opportunity of getting all of the rewards we have to offer all of our backers.

I guess the question is: How Big can we make this?