Now introducing the International Trade Channel Free Trade Zone Project: a groundbreaking documentary film about the exciting life of international trade. The project details Rickenbacker free trade zones.

I am Grant Nichols. I have 10 years experience in international trade.I was also an agent of the export/import bank of US. I have obtained a patent that allows me to make an International tradel documentary. My film project is on Rickenbacker Free Trade Zones, also the people, agencies and International traders that use and work with Rickenbacker. The film will be broadcast by schools and television

We will interview the Rickenbacker administration ,International traders, custom brokers, shippers, lloyds of London, bonded ftz warehouse managers. We will also film the day to day production of companies using the Free Trade zone. And also take video by helicopter ,filming each Rickenbacker Foreign trade zone. We are in pre production. we have all our ducks in a row. But lack the funds to begin filming the movie.

Please take a moment and share our campaign with friends and family so that we can reach our goal. Thank you!