We are pleased to announce the launch of an Indiegogo fundraising campaign to bring Jason Rosell’s innovative and critically acclaimed #Sexercise music fitness program to a global audience. The #Sexercise workout has already taken the nation by storm and, as a results driven workout program inspired by sexy, fun moves frequently associated with the bedroom, it provides an amazing combination of key benefits that include weight loss, interval cardio fat loss, muscle toning, sexual endorphins, lean body muscle development, heart conditioning and increased sexual longevity.
Since its conception last January #Sexercise has already been featured by Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Playboy TV, The Steve Harvey Show, and The New York Daily News (not to mention a genuinely hilarious mention on Saturday Night Live). #Sexercise’s exhilarating and sexy six minute workout is designed to be a six week, six minute daily program that can be performed up to three times daily to reach optimal results.
In an effort to maximize the #Sexercise program’s exposure and create a number of additional workout programs to stay fit, healthy and sexy with #Sexercise demanded by fans, creator Jason Rosell is launching the #Sexercise Indiegogo campaign. The goal is to raise $19,500 to fund production, distribution, PR, marketing campaigns and to help educate trainers around the world on the methods and benefits of the #Sexercise workout program.
Pledgers will receive numerous perks based on their selected contribution levels. Some of these tier level perks are a never released #Sexercise six minute workout DVD, SKYPE 1 on 1 coaching, nutrition and fitness programs, #Sexercise fitness apparel, #Sexercise music and 1 on 1 personal training.
The Indiegogo campaign will end October 15, 2014 visit campaign and pledge at sexerciseworkout.com check out relevant links on the history of the program and founder Jason Rosell can be found below.
Caliente Fitness Home: calientefitness.net
Jason Rosell Home: www.JasonRosell.com
Current #Sexercise website: sexerciseworkout.com