Interlaced follows three Korean-American artists as they retrace their roots in Korea and interpret their journey through their artistic and musical talents. It is a short documentary currently campaigning on Kickstarter.

As first and two second generation Korean-Americans, they possess a mixture of sentiment and passion for their native country that is difficult to explain. What will be the reception of their art be in contemporary Korea? How has the country changed in their generation, and how has America changed them? The film follows the process of crossing borders, building bridges, and creating art informed by the experience of being challenged by their own relationship to their culture.


A Painter, A Pianist, and a Violinist/Vocalist – Dave Young Kim is a painter and muralist from Los Angeles and Oakland with a bent on community engagement and a descendant of Yu Gwansun. Originally from Korea, Julie Moon is a concert-level pianist. Tim Kim, who hails from Tennessee, is also a concert-level violinist and vocalist. Tim and Julie perform classical improvisational music influenced by Korean tradition as a group called KABAM (Hear their music HERE). The three met at Mills College in Oakland where they all received their respective graduate degrees and bonded over being the only Korean American grad students in the arts programs. Filmmaker Matt Beardsley has a background in photojournalism and a portfolio of photography and video supporting social justice causes, education, and art. They all currently reside in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Engaging in community with art, music, and conversation, they plan to visit their families, see gravesites, and hopefully hear stories they’ve never heard before in an attempt to make sense of present family drama that may have its roots in the past. Especially enriching is leaving the well-traveled path for the sake of rediscovering heritage and meaning, a travel documentary from the eyes of world class artists. The goal is to book venues to play, find murals to paint and art shows to hang. It’s a two-way exploration of both soaking in and mixing with the complexities of their roots. They have their loves, fascinations, misgivings, and creativity.


This is a film for their community. The budget is lean and time is short; every contribution is a tremendous boost. Equally important, crowdfunding is also another form of support: a group of supporters, collaborators, backers – many faces to remember when production arrives at its inevitable difficult passes. They humbly ask for your financial support and for you to share this page with friends and family, more faces in the mental theater to push us those tough trudges up mountains, late night soundtrack recording sessions, and long days of editing. This is a project to which they are deeply committed and deeply invested. They look forward to sharing the filmmaking process with you in the months ahead.

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