An educational project to inspire and teach the next generation of inventors.

Halo studio project specializing in graphic design, art and photography. Our goal is to introduce educational values through our designs, and share them with the communities around us.

At Halo, we are looking for ways to disseminate knowledge visually and creatively, because there is no doubt that a picture worth a thousand words.

Today we are proud to present our first educational Kickstarter project-poster and T-shirt that focus on inventions that changed the world. With your help, we hope to distribute as many of them as possible to schools and community center; use them as a source of inspiration and learning for the younger generation; teach a thing or two about our history, and inspire kids to contribute to their own future.

The Design

The design include 24 inventions that changed the world, from c3’500BC to the 20th century, hand-illustrated with details. Next to each invention, appears the year it was invented and the name of the inventor.

Please share this project with your friends and family.