
Insignificant is an Open World RPG in which you’re a tiny person in a normal sized world. Players fight snails using thumbtacks and flossers, and because players are so small, something simple like a bucket or a dog becomes an impressive obstacle or a massive titan.

The Kickstarter URL can be found here:

In the story of Insignificant, the player’s character has been born to an intellectually underdeveloped race of cavern-dwellers called Insiders, who consider fire, electricity, and anything else they don’t understand to be magic. The “anything else” just happens to also include real magic. To Insiders, the term “magic” is synonymous with danger, so when the player’s character begins to display magical potential, they are exiled from the Insiders. Upon being exiled, they discover that they’ve been living in a very large world, a world where everything that exists wasn’t meant for them. Meaning, they’ll need to improvise if you want to survive.


Insignificant gives players an entirely new perspective on a very familar world.

Insignificant gives players an entirely new perspective on a very familar world.


Traditional weapons like swords and shields have no place in Insignificant, because those are far too large to be held by someone who is only two or three inches tall. Instead, players will make use of Pens, Forks, Nails, Sewing Needles, and other household items in place of traditional RPG faire.

Insignificant features spell-creation, allowing players to combine any spell effects they’ve encountered and develop strategies based on those mechanics. There is also a crafting system, allowing players to create weapons and armor out of materials found, such as scraps of aluminum foil.


Insignificant Stone Armor

Stone Armor is created by hollowing out stones and pebbles and putting them on your head.

There are no “story missions” in Insignificant, because in a true open-world game, there shouldn’t be a discernible difference between story missions and “side missions.” Creating a hierarchy of importance in stories just leads to people ignoring everything except the main story, making the experience more like a linear game with a few side activities rather than a true open-world game.

This also extends to hand-holding in games. People in this day and age don’t really need tutorials telling them how to walk forward and look up and down, Insignificant aims to do our best to eliminate the amount players have to slog through to get to the part of the game where they can go explore.

Insignificant features a unique Kickstarter campaign. Insignificant’s Kickstarter features an itemized budget, so backers know what each dollar is being spent on. Instead of offering exclusive rewards, which lock rewards away from all but a select few, we’re offering as many inclusive rewards as we can, so instead of locking away special content, we’re creating additional content and adding it into the game for everyone, and giving credit to the backer who is responsible.
Insignificant is currently being developed in Unity by a single guy, Dan Rickmers, and has been in development since last year. It will be available on PC, Mac and Linux and feature Gamepad support as well as Mouse and Keyboard.

Significant Games Banner

Dan Rickmers of Significant Games is the creator of Insignificant. He can be reached at:

Insignificant Mushrooms

Glowy mushrooms are confirmed for Insignificant’s release.