What do scientists do when they get creative? An art project, that’s what. This is exactly what Valentina and Valerie, two scientists who are coincidentally also passionate about drawing and storytelling respectively did. In Inking Science, they worked together to create an informative, engaging and unique art book about famous scientists.

Inking Science is a collection of 31 inked drawings of scientists. It started from what initially was an inktober project – a challenge for artists all around the world to draw something in ink for every day in October. Valentina decided to draw a different scientist every day, pairing each of them with the daily word from the official Inktober prompt list. Each drawing is thus accompanied by an interesting story: a compelling anecdote or must-know facts about the featured scientist’s fascinating life.

With Inking Science, Valentina and Valerie want to share their love for science with the rest of the world. With scientists ranging from Marie Curie to Richard Feynman, from Hedy Lamarr to Stephen Hawking, these two creators aim to have people reflect on how the featured thinkers in the book have changed the course of history and have evolved science and society. Scientists and nonscientists, nerds and the curious, anyone and everybody of all ages can be inspired by these drawings of amazing scientists, engineers, thinkers and their compelling stories, and discover that everyone can be one of them, through perseverance, study, intuition and creativity.

They have launched a Kickstarter to collect fundings for the production of the book. The Kickstarter represents the only opportunity to acquire the original artworks from the book, limited edition prints, and bulk discount on book bundles. You can check the campaign at Inking Science Kickstarter page: come and be inspired!