Is it still a cookbook if all the recipes are inedible?

Following a recipe in a regular cookbook doesn’t always turn out as expected! We’ve all flubbed a meal or two. This book is full of recipes that are definitely not edible, but they are beautiful! Using paint, gold leaf, florals, and more, I’ve created beautiful food for you…that is inedible.

Let the images in the book, and the recipes (with diagrams) inspire you to create your own beautiful art. Whether it’s edible or inedible, don’t be afraid to improvise and do your own thing!

Like many of you, I love to cook, but it is mainly because I hate to follow recipes. I’ll use them as references for the amount of beef to add or cooking times, but then I take my own road and improvise like crazy! That’s the fun part. As an artist, I find the same thing applies. Paint-by-numbers doesn’t quite cut it, and improvising is mandatory! I have been an artist my whole life, gotten my BFA, and worked professionally for quite a few years now. And still there isn’t a recipe for a “perfect painting”.

This project, “Inedible Recipes: Beautiful Food” embraces the best of both these worlds. Paint and food, recipes and improvisation. It takes two of my favourite things and marries them into these photographs and finally into book form for you to enjoy.

Included among the photos are recipes (with diagrams!) for how you can create a similar piece to the photo. As with all art, everyone will have different results! And that is OK! Let your creativity out!

Contribute $10 -100 to this project and you share in this creative experience, by receiving artwork from this project -everything from postcards to the final hardcover book!

All the funding goes directly into the perk rewards first, of course. If you contribute for a photo print, for example, the money first goes towards the cost of the printing for that perk.The rest of the funding goes towards finishing this project by creating the rest of the beautiful photographs and recipe pages to go into the book and other perks.

We are creating a beautiful thing here, a work of art. But unlike most works of art, the original pieces only last a very short time. Their fragile existence is documented by the photographs that hopefully will travel around the world.

Be a part of this project, and question “what is art?” “what is a cookbook?”, and “what happens when you can’t eat the final product?”.

This book includes not only photographs, but DIY style recipes. In a fun fashion, I have laid out the instructions in a recipe style, using traditional cooking measurements like tsp and tbsp.

Lend Me A Hand!

If you can’t contribute, that’s cool, I get it. Give me a quick tweet, FB like or other shout-out and that would be great!!

And if you want to post about this on your blog, or other site, I would be happy to answer questions or give you some more media to use! Just drop me a line!

via Inedible Recipes: Beautiful Food, Indiegogo.