Binary Solo launches independent crowdsourcing site for Indie Van Game Jam

Austin, TX – After a hard-fought 30-day Kickstarter campaign, Binary Solo founders Zeb West and Chad Stewart decided to launch their own crowdsourcing website at Although short of funding an entire season, they received enough to buy an ‘Indie Van’ and fund two full episodes of the web series. Subsequent episodes will be unlockable by fans one-at-a-time so that the fledgling series can prove itself and continue to build an audience.

Modeled after the independent funding websites of Portalarium and Cloud Imperium, Binary Solo’s site launches November 6th, 2013 and will run open-ended until season one is funded. With exciting new indie studios across the US and Canada like PixelDash and KLEI signing on, the duo hopes to bring backers over by transferring pledges to the new site.

Picture Man vs. Food meets Indie Game: The Movie. Indie Van Game Jam is a documentary web series about the studios, games and personalities of developers who have turned away from corporate publishing, and struck out on their own to create games they love. Each episode is a travelogue where Zeb West and Chad Stewart from Binary Solo choose an indie developer and set off in their Indie Van to pose a question to them about game development. Now for the twist: along the way they attempt to answer the question themselves through a ‘game jam’, trying to literally create a video game in the car that answers that question. When Zeb and Chad arrive at the indie studio, they show the tragic or triumphant results of the van-made game. Along with the episode, the results of the game jam are made available online as a $0.99 or free download. The all-star line-up of indie developers includes Austin’s Stoic Games, Boston’s Indie Game Collective and many more.

Binary Solo was founded by Chad Stewart and Zeb West in Austin, Texas in 2013 to create compelling, story-driven games, and to celebrate and explore the vibrant scene of independent game development. Chad is programming and president, Zeb is production and design. They also act as the faces and personalities of the Indie Van Game Jam.

For more information, photographs or interviews please contact:
Chad Stewart, President 978-595-2423
Zeb L. West, Producer 512-705-4777