Ewing ,NJ – Local company MJRIDS Humbly Presents Desolators at Kick Starter on January 19, 2014 for funding of Desolators, a classic arcade style video game. desolators is a verticle scrolling shmup (shoot em up), a game genre popularized in the 80’s,High profile entries in the genre appear fairly often such as Sine mora, Resogun, and the upcoming open world shmup Galak-Z on Playstation 4. Desolators gets rid of the archaic formula of classic shmups and modernizes them with HD graphics, game saving, check points,permanent character progression, and multiple game modes. Desolators features giant robot insect antagonists’.

In 2013 Michael Rodriguez began Developing Desolators, It was extremely difficult do to living arrangements and daily responsibilities but he loved the concept of the game and sought to marry the verticle scrolling shooter with the twin stick shooter: a sub genre of shmups. The main inspiration for this Idea came from games such as microbot, power up forever, Hard Corps:Uprising ,and omega five on Xbox live arcade. Being able to develop Desolators full time would be a dream come true and MJRIDS llc was founded for that very purpose with Kickstarter in Mind, so with extremely limited resources Mjrids set about trying to make the best kick starter presentation it could before the sheer urgency of the situation forced the pressing of the green launch button on Kick Starter.

With Love I have developed “Centi” the centipede which is the antagonist of its own game mode, essentially a game within a game. Insects have become some of my favorite creatures do to their robot like qualities such as exo skeletons, instincts which mirror hard wired programming, and their amazing anatomy.Desolators is in its early stages but I cant wait to make weaponized versions of more exotic species of insects, including hornets, scorpions and my favorite: the praying mantis with lazer edged scyth blades. Only with a full time development effort can Desolators be completed in a timely professional manner. Desolators will be a modern shmup that reinvigorates the shmup genre by abandoning classic gaming staples such as lives, limited continues,and on screen collectable power ups to create a new modern enjoyable experience with out sacrificing the challenge associated with Shmups.

Michael Rodriguez is the founder of MJRIDS and has already developed one video game which was released free of charge titled Hyper Invasion (copyright 2007), which is available to download at mjridsgames.com

“I Love video games, and I love making them. ” – Michael Rodriguez
