Now introducing the high tech and affordable conductive graphene ink; anyone can use it to make the weird and wonderful a reality for the first time!

My name is Robert Murray-Smith and I am an independent researcher. My main idea is to bring the Hi-Tech down to earth. I work on processes that anyone can use to make the weird and wonderful hi-tech materials that are at the forefront of research today. This is so anyone and everyone can research, do or build their own projects or take part in projects they ave always wanted to take part in without having to have the equipment of a large university or the bank balance of a major corporation.

I do a lot of work out in the open and you can find my videos at where I keep an active overview of the comments and I am always happy to answer any questions you might have.

Now the reason for this Project. Lots of people have been asking to buy the stuff I have been making especially the graphene ink and alternative graphene inks are just silly money. At the moment I make small amounts in a long and laborious process and I need the money to buy some machinery and make larger amounts so everybody can have a bit.

What I Need & What You Get
What I need the money for is the machinery. I need something called a three roll mill and they start at 1,000 pounds for a second hand lab mill and go up from there – the one I want is 5,000 pounds and is ideal for inks, paints and potions in the liter range.

If I raise more than the target figure I will use the extra money – if there is any! – to expand the ink range to cover, piezo inks, solar cell inks, electroluminescent inks – the list just goes on! If I raise less than the target I shall just buy a smaller machine and make do as well as I can. What I plan to give you are inks to do with as you please whether it is to print batteries, paint solar cells, design speakers or make unique circuits that can be made from paper.

The Impact
Conductive inks will change the way we look at electronics, reduce harmful waste, get rid of dangerous processes and the chemicals they use. Until now they have been out of reach for the average experimenter, designer, school child and innovator being hard to get hold of, not very good or just too expensive to do anything BIG with. The working Ink project aims to change this and your contribution will help this become a reality.

Contributions don’t just have to be money – though that helps, you can contribute ideas and I would like to build a book of ideas for the inexperienced or just curious to play around with and a back up project to this one is to put together a book of ideas, circuits and projects for general release that anyone can get hold of and use.

You can contact me on here, via my or my website, or email me on and I would love to hear your ideas. Please take a moment to share our campaign with friends and family to help us reach our goal. Thank you!