The Tale of a Not-Quite Storybook Princess Fully Funded on Kickstarter.

Independent author and illustrator Amanda Kastner has launched her second Kickstarter campaign, which funded in 24 hours. “I love fairy tale retellings,” Kastner says, “and I love middle-grade novels, and I love illustration. This project combines them all!”

“A Really-Truly Princess” tells the story of Rosellen, who receives a book of fairy tales as a birthday gift. She decides to use its stories as a guide for her own life, determined to be a really-truly Princess like the ones in her book. Eventually she discovers that real life problems can’t always be solved in story-book style as she tries to live out fairy tales such as “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Frog Prince”, “Cinderella”, and others.

The middle-grade novel, suitable for ages 8-12, has over 80 pen and ink interior illustrations. “It was a big project,” Kastner said, “the biggest project I’ve tackled so far!–but I’m pleased with the result, and feel that the illustrations add another layer to the story, as well as keeping the attention of younger children who can’t read the story themselves.”

Kastner has been a voracious reader since childhood, and has a large collection of children’s books and middle grade fiction. “The books you read when you’re young stay with you and influence you more than you often realize,” she said. “In ‘A Really-Truly Princess’ the main character is a little girl whose reading sometimes influences her a little more than it ought!” While this fairy-tale retelling has no overt message, it offers subtle lessons on the importance of making wise choices.

After the Kickstarter campaign completes on October 31, “A Really-Truly Princess” will be available to purchase on Amazon and other online retailers in paperback, hardcover, and eBook formats. For more information on the book, illustrations, or to read a free sample chapter, visit the Kickstarter campaign or Kastner’s website.